Your Privacy, Your Pride
Own it now!
Your Privacy, Your Pride
Own it now!
In the vast digital savannah of the blockchain, a unique pride emerges, a pride like no other - The Privacy Pride. Harnessing the roar of lions and the whispers of the breeze, this NFT collection redefines the very foundations of privacy and blockchain technology.
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access
World's First
Private ZK NFTs
Exclusive Access


In the intricate tapestry of our interconnected digital world, Privacy Pride strides forth as a potent symbol of respect, sovereignty, and revolution. Each majestic lion in this collection reflects a blend of grace and raw power, embodying our primal urge for freedom and privacy.

But the uniqueness of Privacy Pride goes far beyond the extraordinary depictions of lions. These digital artworks represent a radical shift in the blockchain universe, for they are the torchbearers of the world's first NFT collection to adopt zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. This trailblazing technology bestows upon owners an absolute cloak of privacy, enabling them to demonstrate their unique ownership without divulging any confidential information.

Stepping into the realm of Privacy Pride is akin to embarking on a journey where privacy isn't a luxury, but an inalienable right. Each lion's roar reverberates as a powerful call to action, inspiring us to uphold the inviolability of personal information amidst the untamed expanse of the blockchain. Privacy Pride invites you to summon your inner fortitude, resonate with the roar of privacy, and be a part of this revolutionary pride.

First Aleo NFT

The Privacy Pride is the first NFT project on Aleo. It allows you to tap into the full power of Aleo’s ZK-powered privacy. 


The OG Batch NFTs are free. BUT the rest of the Privacy Pride collection will cost 100 Aleo Credits to mint on Mainnet.  

Future Revenue

OG Batch NFT holders are eligible to receive a royalty share for the future Privacy Pride Mainnet sales.


Phase 1

Only 1000 OG NFTs available
21st June - Aleo Ambassador waitlist
5th July - Aleo Core Team & Ambassador Mint
5th July - Public waitlist open
5th July - NFT Minting program released to the public
6th August- Public Mint, Merchandise winner announcement

Phase 2

1000 OG NFTs mints to the original mint addresses on Mainnet Launch.
Users can choose to re-mint the NFT or exchange it for Aleo Credits.

Phase 3

9000 NFTs Mega collection launches in the marketplace at 100 Aleo Credit floor.
OG collection holder pool receives % share from the Mega collection sales.


How do I get the NFTs?

If you are currently an Aleo Ambassador you can sign up for the early waitlist by clicking on the waitlist button in the landing page.
You can also wait for 5th July for the public waitlist challenges to open up which will be accessible through a set of challenges, follow us on twitter to get up to date information.

How can I buy the NFTs?

You are not able to buy the OG batch of NFTs, however you can win one for free if you are selected through the public waitlist challenges.
Public waitlist challenges start on July 5th.

Who is behind the project?

The project is powered by the Leo Wallet team.

When will I receive my NFT?

If you are signed up for the Ambassador Mint you will receive your NFT on July 5th. Winners of the public mint challenge will receive the NFT on August 6th. Mainnet Mint date will be announced after Mainnet.
Follow Leo Wallet on Twitter for up to date information.

How can I access my NFT after the Mint?

Your NFTs will show up in your Leo Wallet on or after the respective Mint date.
Please follow Leo Wallet on twitter for the latest updates.